Contact / FAQ
- Read the course description carefully
- Read the FAQ below
- Address general inquiries and registration questions to your local unit. Such inquiries made directly to us may be ignored
- Do not call us, we will call you
Frequently Asked questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked questions (FAQ)
- Do I need to know how to swim?
- Yes and at minimum you need to be comfortable in deep water and be able to tread water for 1 minute. You cannot have any sort of discomfort with or fear of being in the water.
- What happens if I get to training and cannot swim?
- Pacific Maritime Institute's policy is to disenroll students who are unable to swim, tread water, or have a fear of water. As a result, you will be sent home from training early at your own expense.
- Why don't you take phone calls from units, parents or cadets?
- Training organizers are volunteers who are not available 24 hours/7 days-a-week to take calls. It is our experience that callers often don't remember to consider things such as different time-zones, and not intruding on a volunteer's work day. Also, it is Naval Sea Cadet Corps practice that parents and cadets first contact the unit. For cadets, contacting the training before speaking to your unit is jumping the chain-of-command, which is a violation of military protocol.
- Can I contact the Pacific Maritime Institute (PMI) with my questions?
- No. Do not contact PMI.
- How/where can I enroll in this training?
- All enrollment is handled by the local unit. We do not register cadets.
- Can I fly to Seattle as an unaccompanied minor?
- No. We do not have enough adult staff to escort cadets to and from the gate.
- How do I get to and from the airport?
- Airport shuttle services are available. See the Sea-Tac Airport website for more information. Ride-share app services are also available in the Seattle-area. The training command is not able to provide transportation to and from the airport.
Sea Bag
Sea Bag
- Do I need to bring a dress uniform?
- No. We will not be wearing dress uniforms during this training.
- Will I be able to do laundry?
- No, laundry facilities will not be available.